Firsts steps with MongoDB + mongoose

Using mongoose lib on python to access mongoDB

August 24, 2015

Basically I want to create a database for my JSON documents. Documents have the following format.


The steps to be able to store documents on my mongoDB are the following: - Create a collection for my docs.(It’s created implicitly) - Create a power user on that collection< - Do basic CRUD operations on the database to test. i’ll create the collection “answers” and insert a test document.


Configure the connection in the adapter for your app.

In my case I will configure mongoose, I’m using Node JS to connect to MongoDB. {% include alert.html text=“Watch out! As of version 3.0, the authentication mechanism by default changed” %}

So I was getting this error, mainly due to an old mongoose lib:

2015-08-22T10:56:22.477+0200 I ACCESS   [conn17] Failed to authenticate adminUser@users with mechanism MONGODB-CR: AuthenticationFailed MONGODB-CR credentials missing in the user document
2015-08-22T10:56:22.477+0200 I ACCESS   [conn18]  authenticate db: users { authenticate: 1, user: "adminUser", nonce: "xxx", key: "xxx" }

The solution is simple, first check the admin user has the role userAdminAnyDatabase. If you already created it:

use admin;
{roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]  }

update to the lastest mongoose client library, on nodeJS update your package.json:

    "name": "node-server",
    "main": "server.js",
    "dependencies": {
        "express": "~4.0.0",
        "mongoose": "~4.1.3",
        "body-parser": "~1.13.3"

Now you will see your client can authenticate:

2015-08-22T11:31:53.914+0200 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] connection accepted from #32 (2 connections now open)
2015-08-22T11:31:54.426+0200 I ACCESS   [conn32] Successfully authenticated as principal adminUser on users

Now let’s test the user storage: On your nodeJS code:

var user = new User(req.body);
        //try to save the user: (err){
                res.json({message:"User created"});

Notice that the user is stored on database users, on collection users:

> db.users.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55d841a60f8123581f590c58"), "userId" : 1254, "answers" : [ { "testNo" : 1, "answerNo" : 1, "answerValue" : "Myanswer1", "_id" : ObjectId("55d841a60f8123581f590c5e") }, { "testNo" : 1, "answerNo" : 2, "answerValue" : "Mya
nswer2", "_id" : ObjectId("55d841a60f8123581f590c5d") }, { "testNo" : 1, "answerNo" : 3, "answerValue" : "Myanswer3", "_id" : ObjectId("55d841a60f8123581f590c5c") }, { "testNo" : 1, "answerNo" : 4, "answerValue" : "Myanswer4", "_id" : Objec
tId("55d841a60f8123581f590c5b") }, { "testNo" : 1, "answerNo" : 5, "answerValue" : "Myanswer5", "_id" : ObjectId("55d841a60f8123581f590c5a") }, { "testNo" : 1,"answerNo" : 6, "answerValue" : "Myanswer6", "_id" : ObjectId("55d841a60f8123581
f590c59") } ], "__v" : 0 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55d845a52b4672c819cc32c6"), "userId" : 1254, "answers" : [ { "testNo" : 1, "answerNo" : 1, "answerValue" : "Myanswer1", "_id" : ObjectId("55d845a52b4672c819cc32cc") }, { "testNo" : 1, "answerNo" : 2, "answerValue" : "Mya
nswer2", "_id" : ObjectId("55d845a52b4672c819cc32cb") }, { "testNo" : 1, "answerNo" : 3, "answerValue" : "Myanswer3", "_id" : ObjectId("55d845a52b4672c819cc32ca") }, { "testNo" : 1, "answerNo" : 4, "answerValue" : "Myanswer4", "_id" : ObjectId("55d845a52b4672c819cc32c9") }, { "testNo" : 1, "answerNo" : 5, "answerValue"
 : "Myanswer5", "_id" : ObjectId("55d845a52b4672c819cc32c8") }, { "testNo" : 1,"answerNo" : 6, "answerValue" : "Myanswer6", "_id" : ObjectId("55d845a52b4672c819cc32c7") } ], "__v" : 0 }

On my nodeJS server I’ve also set the output of the object, so I can see the MongoID!!

// show json  request:
    console.log("Request: "+JSON.stringify(user));

On the console output:


So I got this _id: “_id”:“55d84608b0bef9841e7bf5f9”