In this post I’m going to show some script files using the old batch scripting style that works perfectly on windows 7 an on. You will find very good books and reviews on the internet like Windows_Batch_Scripting.
In my case we need to automate the creation of the following folder structure: - Main Folder - Sub Folder - Sub Sub Folder - Folder 1 - Folder 2 - Folder 3 - Folder n
So I developed the following a small batch script to create interfaces. First I check the arguments and set some initial variables, like the starting folder and so.
REM Create folders for a new interface
REM Parameters: Folder SubFolder SubSubfolder
set basefolder=c:\
(folder1 folder2 folder3 foldern)
set folders=
set argC=0
for %%x in (%*) do Set /A argC+=1
if -%argC%- lss 3 (
goto :wrongcall
The script loops on the folders variable and create the structure:
echo Creating folder interfaces:
for %%i in %folders% do (
echo mkdir %basefolder%\%1\%2\%3\%%i
mkdir %basefolder%\%1\%2\%3\%%i
goto :end
Finally I handle wrong calls with the following code:
echo Wrong call.
echo %0 Folder SubFolder SubSubFolder
echo Where
echo Folder : Is the main folder
echo SubFolder : Is the secondary folder
echo SubSubFolder Is the SubSubFolder
echo sample usage:
echo %0 folder1 sfmt int12
I automated the creation of folders with a call from an external batch file, so I can create multiple folders:
REM Create folders sets
set argC=0
for %%x in (%*) do Set /A argC+=1
if -%argC%- lss 1 (
goto :wrongcall
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (%1) do CALL new_itf.bat %%A
goto :end
echo Wrong call.
echo %0 config_file
echo Where
echo config_file: configuration file
echo sample usage:
echo %0 folders.txt
Where new_itf.bat is the name I gave to the other batch file. The aspect of the configuration file is quite simple:
Folder SubFolder SubSubFolder1
Folder SubFolder SubSubFolder2
Folder SubFolder SubSubFolder3
Folder SubFolder SubSubFolder4