UTF-8 migration in SQL

Steps to migrate an sql database from latin1 to utf8.

June 3, 2023

UTF-8 migration in SQL

Current db is encoded in latin1, the database is mysql 5.7

The steps are as follows: - Change the overal character set and collation for mysql. - Update the default values for the date fields for each table. - Alter each table character set and collation. - Dump database.

Change db character set

alter database databasename character set utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

Alter default date

Some documentation from mysql.[https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/data-type-defaults.html#data-type-defaults-explicit-old]

alter table tablename alter column columname set default '2023-06-03';

you can update the default value to a formula. In this case, the current date is fine.

Convert the table to utf8

ALTER TABLE actuaciones CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

execute as script:

mysql> source altertables.sql

Dump database

mysqldump -u username -p databasename > export.sql

Conversion of files in powershell

Just in case you want to convert to utf8 code files. In this example, we are converting php files.

foreach($i in ls -recurse -filter "*.php") {
    $temp = Get-Content $i.fullname
    Out-File -filepath $i.fullname -inputobject $temp -encoding utf8 -force

in php the enemy of BOM
